We’ve all been that girl.
The girl who has been in love with her stylist, and then the stylist moves and we’re on the hunt again.
It’s scary and overwhelming. Especially for curly girls. Not everyone knows how to make curls look awesome.
I’ve been lucky to have some great stylists over the years, and when they (or I’ve moved) I’ve learned some lessons that I want to share with you to make your experience a little easier.
Here are 4 questions that you MUST ask when considering a new stylist:
How Much Do You Charge?
In the old days, I was all about cheap. I know, go ahead and shake your head. I was a grad student living off meager funds. I wanted my hair to look good, but I didn’t want to spend a fortune (because I simply didn’t have it!) Sometimes being cheap cost me. A cheap dye job cost me split ends and major damage.
If the price tag is hefty, don’t immediately shut that stylist out. Sometimes, you get what you pay for.
Do They Come Recommended by Others with Curly Hair (POC=people of color)?
If you don’t have curly hair yourself and you are seeking a stylist for your minority child, this can be tricky. Sometimes you aren’t sure where to begin, or what questions to ask.
Make sure that the stylist you are approaching is experienced with curly hair. Curly hair is beautiful–when you know what to do with it. If the stylist looks confused or has to consult others to help style, trust me, that is not a good sign.
Can They Do a Simple Wash & Style to Your Liking?
Before taking the plunge with a major style like a cut or color, make sure you are happy with a simple style. Do you like the way they wash? Can they make your curls pop better than you can? Do you like the products they are using?
If you are unhappy with a wash, chances are you will be disappointed with a cut or color. Never go to a new stylist for a major change. You are putting yourself at risk.
Do They Have Pictures of Styles They’ve Done?
Most stylists will either have a look book or they’ll whip out pictures on their phone of recent styles they’ve done. If you are trying to figure out ways to style your hair, they should be able to lead and guide you in a direction that fits your personal style.
Seeing pictures of their work will be very telling as to whether their style will mesh with yours.
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