Effective early literacy allows children to begin developing skills in reading, writing & language.
I’ve worked in education for 10+ years. The one thing that saddens me the most is to hear a child say that they hate to read. Fostering a love for reading begins at an early age, when their brains are little sponges.
The key to teaching kids to love to read is to make literacy fun.
Read To Your Child Consistently
Reading doesn’t have to always be a structured bedtime routine. You can purchase bath books and read during bath time, you can read in the doctor’s office while waiting to be seen, or outside at the park.
It doesn’t matter where or when you read, just do it!
Reading to your children encourages a desire to be read to and gives them a curiosity of words and letters. You may even notice your child asking you, “What’s that word?” more often.
Turn a Story Into a Song
We are a musical family and I love using an opportunity to sing to my children. Many of the rhyming or repetitive books allow me to be creative when I’m reading.
In fact, many well-known stories have been turned into nursery rhymes. I use this to my advantage.
Now that my children are a little older, they sometimes decline my singing and want me to stick to the story. Either way, I am happy that they are developing a love for literacy.
This may seem silly, but you are actually teaching your children phonological awareness—a skill they will be tested on in kindergarten.
Get Your Child Involved In the Story
I See Me Books books do this for you! My daughter loves the story that has her name & favorite color on every page. Her kingdom name is our hometown! This book also includes her skin tone, hair color & birth date throughout the story. She points to her picture and her name and tries to read parts of the story herself.
It’s so exciting to see her engage with me while I tell the story. This is a book I know she’ll treasure forever.
Find Books Centered Around Their Interests
Right now my girls love animals & princesses. In fact, they love dressing up in princess gear. They are always more interested (and invested) in sitting still and listening to a book that piques their interest.
If your little one is a busy body & doesn’t sit still long, try finding books that will naturally keep their attention by centering stories around their interests.
Let Them Help You Pick Out Books
When your toddlers go to kindergarten, they will be expected to go the library and pick out their own books. The more you practice at home, the more prepared they will be.
My daughter loves to read her Princess: The Day in the Life of a Princess book. It brings her fairy tale dreams to life. Everyone enjoys feeling special, and having her own customized book does just that.
KV says
I try to pick characters they would be interested in learning about.
Carolina says
I adjust my tone to make it sound fun. And we make weekly trips to the library to pick books.
Diedre says
I adjust my tone too…I love to do voices!
Lucy says
Luckily my 4 year old loves when I read to her and she has always loved “reading” herself. I read to her at all random times of the day and she enjoys it. This book looks like something she will love!
Diedre says
That’s wonderful Lucy! It makes my heart happy to hear that kids love to read!
Ashley says
My kids love when I change tones when reading too– “Mommy, do the voices!” 🙂
Diedre says
That’s so sweet! They’ll remember that forever.
Jaclyn Reynolds says
My son picks most of his own books and we love anything silly!
Diedre says
My kids love silly books too!
Marty says
We have story time before bed every night in the special “snuggle chair” and my daughter can pick any three stories she likes, then I get to pick one.
Diedre says
What a great idea Marty!!
Amber Cheras says
By letting them choose a book they are interested in and coming up with fun voices to go along with each character in the story.
Diedre says
Rebekah Gienapp says
When I hear a child say they don’t like to read, I always think, they just haven’t been shown the books that are just right for them yet.
When my 5 year old is resistant to trying a new book, we take a “picture walk” first, looking at just the pictures. I’ll sneak in some wondering questions about what might be happening, and that usually makes him want to read the text.
Diedre says
That’s such a good idea Rebekah!!
Lula Ruger says
I let my grandson pick out his own books Reading is our special time when we curl up in our big rocking chair .
Diedre says
That’s so sweet! My girls love reading with their grandmother too. Those are memories he will treasure forever.
Elizabeth Brooks says
My kids love when I make voice changes, sounds, am questions, and personalize the story
Meghan K says
My kids have their own little Reading area in their room. They get to choose all kinds of books and stories they are interested in. My six-year-old even has a little blanket that makes her look like a mermaid and she has made it her reading blanket. Sometimes we even do flashlight reading where they read in the dark with flashlights.
Diedre says
Meghan, these are all great ideas!
tonni says
awesome idea
Diedre says
crystal frey says
i make it fun by really getting into character. for example if it is a pirate i will wear a pirate hat, eye patch and taalk just like we wuld think pirates sound like.
Kelly Jo Francisco says
What makes reading fun for my kids is when we read the books in different voices and act them out
Anita Jude says
I try to make sounds to go along with the story and sometimes change the names to include them in it
Kelly Woods says
I let my children pick out the book and they help me read it if they know the words or sounds.
Kayla Klontz says
I change voices with characters, I let my children pick the books we read, and we never forget to have fun and add learning to it.
Dynal Roberson says
I try and change my voice to imitate different voices and make funny faces while I read.
I make sure that they interact with the book. We also use little props and sounds to make it fun.
Kathy D says
I would love for my granddaughter dont get to see her as much as I would like too
Michelle Catallo says
I read in funny voices I admit
Danielle Bell says
I like to do different voices, and act out animals, and different scenes
Celeste Herrin says
I try to be as animated as possible and get them involved in the story. We genuinely have a great time reading stories. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Ellie Wright says
I take my kid to the library and let them pick out their books. They love to participate in the summer reading program for prizes.
naomie says
We get together as a family, and we each read our chosen book to each other.
Diedre says
I love that you make reading family affair!
we make a game out of it, we sing, we take turns reading to each other
Gloria Luongo says
I try to make it fun. Different voices.
Diedre says
Different voices always makes a story more entertaining!
Deb Klein says
We sing to make it more fun!
Diedre says
My kids love that too!