Social media has become a way of life. Posting perfect pictures of food, clothes, vacations and life in general has become the new normal. However, looking at everyone’s “perfect” lives sets others up for failure. The oh so sweet Alexie has launched the #BehindTheFeed campaign to combat just that.
Do you know how many times I’ve pushed a mess aside to take a picture? Or bribed my children so they would stand together in matching outfits?
As a mom of 2 & 4 year old girls, at times our house is on estrogen overload! There are tears and tantrums about who gets to turn off the TV first, whose princess crown got broken, who can sing a song on the radio, and the list goes on.
On June 8th, the challenge is to post pictures on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook to inspire and be inspired. We challenge you to post a picture that doesn’t seem to fit your feed. Show something that makes you VULNERABLE. We want to show women that imperfections are beautiful! Be sure to use the hashtag: #BehindTheFeed.
Just last week, I spent a few days at my parent’s house. We went for a swim at the neighborhood pool and my four year old was not listening, so she had a time out in the kiddie pool. Instead of enjoying time in the kiddie pool, she sat off the side and pouted. I guess she thought she was hurting me.
Her pout is motherhood at its finest.
Believe me, life with two toddlers is a constant #BehindTheFeed. I love this initiative because motherhood is tough. I love when I see another mom with a crying baby in the store and I can lean over and say, I know exactly how you feel. It gets better.
As a blogger, I love having a mom tribe of women who can relate. Regardless of whether we are working outside the home, stay at home or somewhere in between.
Follow these lovely ladies on Instagram who are joining in #BehindTheFeed!
and yours truly, @arethoseyourkids
What do you think about the #behindthefeed movement? Tell me your thoughts below!
After that rant by a mom blogger about how all mom bloggers were fakes, this is a perfect idea! Loving the pout, it’s proof that you are doing a good job as a mom!
Thanks Terri!
I think people set themselves up for failure by comparing themselves to others. NO ONE is perfect, but here’s some irony. It’s almost like sometimes I am made to feel bad because my house IS in order. I am a military brat…I married a guy in the military. Everything has a place and everything in its place is how we live. I LOVE my house to be clean, tidy and in order. If we get a surprise guest, it’s all good. Why isn’t that okay, too? KWIM
NOW…LOL if I could take a photo of my stepdaughter having a meltdown in IHOP yesterday and post that on my blog I totally would, but I don’t think it would fly with her mom. 😉
Hey, you shouldn’t feel bad for having order. Those are my life goals! I think to each his own. We need to respect each other’s differences
This is a great idea! I will certainly participate and post my imperfect picture on Instagram on the 8th!
Yeah! We welcome you Rachel! What’s your Instagram handle?
What a great idea! Love showcasing different images and having fun with it as moms!
Karen |
We’d love to see you participate Karen!
Yes life is not perfect by any means! She is adorable!
Thank you Robin!
I love your honesty and realness in this post. It is so true that people only post their perfect moments.
Thank you Krystle! I’m so glad that you could relate.
This is brilliant. I am still learning to take pictures so it’s inspiring to know it takes a few take to get it right.
It takes me several takes..don’t feel bad!
Social media didn’t start the comparison game but it has magnified the issue. Knowing yourself, and your vulnerabilities, can go a long way in helping how you use social media.
You make a good point, social media hasn’t created the problem. Social media is a great tool, we just have to teach our kids that it isn’t a barometer for reality.
Cute pictures. Sounds like a cool challenge!!
Thanks Ali!
Being mom is the hardest most self-sacrificing job ever. Balance is need to maintain the sanity.
Ain’t that the truth!
What a great movement. There is so much pressure to be perfect but I think perfect is appreciating all the imperfections.
Well said! You should make that into a meme
I love seeing the reality of motherhood! This is great!
Thank you Reesa!
What a great blogging initiative. I often struggle with showing my own imperfections because I don’t want to be judged but maybe I can take notes from the challenge!
If you are judged, then they don’t belong on your page.
I love to push the mess out of the way to get the picture – then when I look back on my own pictures, I don’t feel like such a slob 🙂 This is true! We need to remember that we are all human – and no matter how perfect the picture is, we do not know the whole story.
I agree Heather. I love having a neat home, but I have 2 young kids & commute to work. I know for me I have to be realistic about what I can do & be careful about measuring myself against someone in a different situation.
This is such a good post, it’s good to be real on social media too. People always show the nice side of their kids rather than being real. (BTW the pictures of your daughter are showing up horizontal on my computer, Not sure if you already know that, but I just wanted to let you know:)
Thank you! I’m working on the pictures. I’m not sure what’s going on.
I love this movement! It can be overwhelming to see perfect picture after perfect picture. Your little one is so super sweet.
This is so a great idea. I always struggle to stay realistic about what I can do and how things are.
I think we all struggle with this at times Wendy. You’re not alone!
I think this is a great way to support your tribe. It’s so important to be authentic about your daily life as a mother. We don’t want to set unrealistic expectations on new mom’s or other moms who are trying to do their best.
It’s effortlessly easy to get caught up in the game of comparison. That’s why I love the concept of #behindthefeed.
You are so right HiLesha. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you had an opportunity to search the hashtag on Instagram today!
I love this idea. It is hard with everyone trying to be so perfect. All these bloggers who say they spend hours on one selfie post… that’s crazy! That’s such a waste of time.
I agree! I couldn’t spend that much time perfecting a selfie.
Thank you for being honest. As bloggers, we do get that blogger image of that “perfect life” Mostly, at least for me, its to make my feed look pretty. But behind the scenes, it’s not always so pretty
Ha’re right! I want my feed to look pretty too. Thanks for your honesty Rachel.
I’m not a mommy blogger, but I give you so much credit! I have so much admiration for you for wanting to show your authentic self as a mother and blogger. It’s so relatable and wonderful.
That means alot Teresa! Thank you so much!
I love the initiative. I feel I am pretty honest in my posts and that was has made my blog “successful” I also have to be careful what I post about my kids. now at 8 and 10 there are times that I try to capture a moment and they tell me DO NOT post that picture making it harder to capture that adorable pout.
I think about that as my children age. I wonder how it will change my writing.
You are so creative! I’d like to know what is your typical bribe? lol
What is worth standing in the same outfits for?
Thank you well, the bribe is usually spontaneous. Extra stories at bedtime, ice cream, blowing bubbles. Something doable that gets me what I need!
I think some moms might enjoy getting a pic into someone’s imperfect life. To be completely honest, I am not one of them. I personally prefer to be inspired. I don’t want someone to tell me that messy house is ok and show their messy house. I want someone to inspire me to get the house picture perfect and give me some new tips on how to go about it. .
I appreciate your input. I think inspiration can come in many forms. I don’t think the goal is to promote chaos, but to give your readers a sense of reality. Don’t get me wrong, I love a beautiful, clean feed, but I also like to know that when kids are involved, there is a healthy sense of chaos at times.
This sounds like a wonderful initiative. Comparison is the thief of joy. People miss out on so much by wishing they were like someone else.
You are so right. Thanks for reading.
This is so true! The life portrayed on social media is not real life at all. I’ve also done the pushing aside of stuff to take a pic… time to show the real authentic life!
Thanks Di!
The idea that bloggers are perfect just because they take good pictures is everywhere and it’s crazy! Life is hard for everyone! I love this idea!
I’m so glad you get it! Thanks for reading.
Such an important message! I really appreciate you bringing such a sensitive topic into light. And I enjoyed how you made it personal and everyone can relate to such a message! Beautiful pictures!
Thank you Koninika! I’m so glad you can relate& thankful you took the time to comment.
what a great idea as what would all of our IG feeds look like if we just posted what was to the ‘side’ of the photo we posted? I know for me it would be one hot mess! lol
Ha ha Laura. Most days I choose not to show the mess either
Life is to be lived. It is messy and lovely and we waste too much time trying to be perfect
I agree!