Even though Multiracial families are becoming the norm, many people still hold on to stereotypes, misconceptions, and preconceived notions.
It is estimated that 21% of Americans will identify as multiracial by 2050. My kids will be part of that number. Interesting isn’t it?
Back in 1967, there were actually state laws that banned interracial marriage. These laws weren’t overturned until the Supreme Court case, Loving vs. Virginia in 1967. In that case, the Supreme Court found that it was unconstitutional for the state of Virginia to ban interracial marriage.
This case has done wonders for this country but the conversations we have about multiracial families doesn’t need to stop here. Here are a few incorrect assumptions people make about multiracial families:
Spouses are Attracted to Each Other Specifically Because of Race
For my husband and I, this definitely wasn’t true. When we met, we bonded over food, music & conversation. Our friendship evolved into a relationship.
Our attraction to each other was just as much for inner qualities as physical attraction.
We both had dated inside of our race prior to meeting each other.
Multiracial Children are Destined for Racial Confusion
Don’t you dare feel sorry for my family or my children! I was very intentional about where I chose to live, educate my children & even the circle I run in. All of those influences can have a negative or positive impact on my children.
My girls are exposed to both sides of the family and embrace both their races and cultures.
We read books about identity, and I plan on having more in depth conversations with them as they grow and mature.
Multiracial Families Have More Tension
Having a multiracial family does not equal family tension. Tensions in families arise from personality conflicts, family history, among a host of other issues.
Since starting this blog, I’ve been pleased to hear that many people in interracial relationships have had positive experiences blending families. In my own family, my husband was embraced when we visited Jamaica.
He enjoyed the country much more than I did (it could have a little to do with the fact that I was 5 months pregnant and we were not always in a building with AC & my hormones were raging)
Interracial Means Black and White
This is a common misconception, especially in the south. Interracial relationships come in all racial & cultural mixtures.
Minorities in interracial relationships often get overlooked in the discussion. Interracial means a mixture of different racial groups, even if skin tones match or look similar.
What myths or misconceptions have you heard, or personally had about multiracial families? Did you like this post? Then do me a favor and give it a share!