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The benefits of essential oils have been an amazing addition to my family’s wellness routine. I started my essential oil journey 4 years ago. Read more about it here.
We use oils to cook with, for skin/scalp issues, to moisturize, to deodorize, to clean and the list goes on!
My Why
When I first heard about the benefits of essential oils, I hate to admit that I was a skeptic. I couldn’t understand how a little bottle of oils could do anything, and I certainly didn’t understand why people raved about them.
I thought it was another fad.
When my husband became a farmer, I started to learn about the source of our food, and our everyday products.
My husband had been telling me for years that we needed to ditch processed foods, and we needed to be mindful of the ingredients in our products.
All I heard from him was that he wanted to spend more money on organic things–and who said they tasted better, or were any better for you?
I was somewhat resistant to having a “clean” home because I was stuck on the price tag.
When I started doing some research for myself, I was amazed at all of the chemicals that our country says are safe to put into our products.
My own research made me a believer.
My Young Living Journey
So I invested into a Young Living Premium Starter Kit. I used the oils that I needed for my daughter and the rest of the oils just sat there.
I had a wealth of resources at my fingertips, but I really had no idea what to do with them.
Now that I’ve been using oils for a few years, I’m so thankful that there are people to help lost people like me. I’ve purchased several books that have been so helpful on my essential oil journey–books that provide DIY recipes, history of oils and practical everyday uses.
I didn’t have to sell my husband on the benefits of essential oils because it was he who tried to convince me years ago!+
Books that Explain the Benefits of Essential Oils
No matter where you are on your journey (curious, just starting out, or have been using oils for years), these books are a great resource for you:
Superheros: An Essential Oils Guide for the Atypical Child

As an educator I know the frustration parents often feel with the lack of resources for their special needs children. When I saw this book, I knew I had to have my hands on it! She even has a support Facebook group, Heads Hearts & Essential Oils.
What I love about this book is it breaks down which oils can be used for very specific needs such as sensory support, big feelings, wellness & sleep support and so much more!
Oils + Scripture
One of the first essential oil kits I purchased was the oils in scripture kit from Young Living.
I purchased Oils + Scripture shortly afterward to get a better understanding of each oil in the kit, how to use them, and the historical uses of each. If you are a history buff, then you’ll love this one!
Oil + Glass
As a farmer’s wife, I’m always looking for DIY recipes for cleaning, farm life & gardening. Oil + Glass has all of that and more! It also has sections on pregnancy & baby, body woes, diffuser supplies and more!
Kinky Locs
There are very few natural resources for curly haired folk. Did you know that it takes an average of 26 seconds for anything you put on your skin to be absorbed into your blood stream??
That’s why books like Kinky Locs are so important! It’s a book specifically designed for curly haired people written by a curly haired person.
The Power of CBD and Essential Oils
How does CBD work in the body? Which essential oils should be added to CBD? Why and how? What happens to your body after consuming CBD? What’s the difference between hemp and marijuana?
This book answers all those questions lingering on your mind and so much more.
Hello Glow
After doing a ton of my own research, I’ve become really interested in product labels. I want to know what all the ingredients are–and why the ingredients are used. I’m also teaching my kids how to pick out naturals vs fake (full of synthetics).
Hello Glow has 150 really simple DIY recipes for hair, face & skin masks and a plethora of other really useful basics.
Essential Glow
Essential glow was written by the same author as Hello Glow. There are 200 + recipes and projects with easy step-by-step instructions for even more DIY recipes.
There are so many good books with DIY essential oil recipes, history and benefits of essential oils, but these 8 will get you started on your journey.
Have you been interested in oils, but didn’t know where to start?? Click here.