*This post contains affiliate links. All products recommended are ones that I use and love*
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is, “How do I take care of my child’s curls?”
The thing that makes curly hair care so tricky is that what works for one curly haired person may not work for another. Finding the right products is a time consuming task of trial and error, which ultimately can lead to frustration.
I have 4c curls, a thick and kinky grade of hair. My daughters both have different kinds of curls.
Learn Your Curl Pattern
The first key to curly hair care is knowing what kind of curls you have. Certain products work better on different kinds of curls, so knowing your curl pattern is the first step to finding your perfect match.
Some parents experience immense frustration while styling their children’s curly hair because the children cry and it is a painful process for all involved.
Curly hair is best manipulated when it is wet-soaking wet is best. You will be able to style the curls and manipulate them better when they are hydrated. Keep a water bottle on hand as the hair dries out.
Condition Weekly
It can be overwhelming to walk into the curly hair care aisle and see all of the conditioners available. My favorite places to buy products are Target & Sally’s Beauty.
How do you know which conditioner to choose??
My favorite conditioners are thick and contain natural products (free from parabens & sulphates). If a particular line of products works for you, then try using all the products in that line.
There are certain times of the year when my scalp is dry and itchy. For those times, I rely on Mielle Organics Babassu Oil deep conditioner. It has a minty smell and conditions and moisturizes my scalp. I feel like a new person after I’ve used it.
I am often disappointed when I try a new product and it doesn’t work. I’m a self proclaimed product junkie. I’m guilty of buying a new product just because I saw someone else use it, even though I already know what works in my hair.
The Mane Choice shampoos & conditioners work for my hair. They are pricey, but I know that they work.
Add Gel for Definition
Most people shy away from gel because they think that it makes their hair hard & dry. The reason why is because some gels contain alcohol which can dry out the hair.
Find a gel that contains natural products. Gel cuts down on frizz and can make a style last all day, even all week! If the gel leaves a white residue on your hair, then it isn’t the right one for you.
A great gel will define your curls, leaving them soft, manageable & frizz free.
Curly Hair Care is Trial & Error
Don’t get discouraged if the products that other curly haired people suggest don’t work for you. It may take a few tries to get it right. Until you figure out the right combination of products, try product swapping with another curly haired friend. That way you don’t waste money on products that just sit in your bathroom.
Also know that curly hair changes. When my daughters were young, their curls were different than they are now. It took some trial and error to find the right products that worked for them.
You may also want to consider investing in a monthly subscription box for curly hair like Curlbox.com or Curlkit.com.
Curly girls, what methods work for you?
Do you feel stuck when you go in the store looking for products? Are you at a loss of where to start? Let me help! Grab my e-book, The Frustration Free Guide to Curly Hair to answer all your questions! Click here to get yours today for only $7! —->
NUYU says
Your article on curly hair care tips is a great resource for all mums that are looking at managing their children’s hair. I really like the point about “hydration” as it’s a great tip to help style your children’s hair as easily as possible. Overall, the post shows good advice that many mums can benefit from when it comes to looking after their children’s hair.
Diedre says
Thank you! I’m so glad it’s been helpful.