One of the greatest benefits of raising children today is all the resources that are available to us. There are parenting blogs, magazines, podcasts, articles, conferences and Facebook groups all geared towards parents.
For me, connecting with other moms in multiracial families through social media has been a God send.
In Facebook groups, we exchange hair product wins, books that we love, as well as strategies for dealing with the plethora of issues that sometimes arise from being in a multiracial family.
I love participating in a community and sharing resources between families all over the country and the world! Here are 4 of my favorite multiracial FB groups:
Multiracial Motherhood Musings
Okay, so I may be a little biased, but I think my group is awesome!
Since starting this blog, I noticed a need for a positive space for mothers to build a community together. Some of the other multiracial parenting groups I joined were filled with so much negativity, and it seemed like the only engagement was with members swapping pictures of their kids.
While I love seeing cute kids, that alone does not help me on my motherhood journey.
Multiracial Motherhood Musings is aimed at supporting multiracial families with their unique needs. We discuss curly hair care and hair challenges. I even post video tutorials to address specific questions.
Members feel comfortable sharing questions about situations they encounter so that the group can support them as well as provide positive feedback.
We thrive on genuine & authentic engagement and positive support.
We also share book/travel/education/hair care resources & are a sounding board for one another. The members are made up of entrepreneurs, stay at home moms, educators, and a variety of other occupations.
If you are in a multiracial family, I’d love to have you join my group!
Multiracial Motherhood: Resources For Biracial Kids & Interracial Couples
Multicultural families are all about joining multiple cultures together into ONE family identity. Brittany, The Almost Indian Wife, is the founder of this wonderful group.
The multiracial motherhood group is full of diverse families including interracial couples, families with an adopted child and couples from different ethnic backgrounds than each other.
Cherish 365
Cherish 365 is run by the fabulous Jennifer Borget, formally of Baby Making Machine.
She is in an interracial family, and her group is aimed at inspiring families to create meaningful memories and cherish life 365 days a year.
What do you love about Facebook groups???
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