After all the excitement of Christmas people begin to turn their attention towards New Years, and in turn, begin making new years resolutions.
I personally love New Years because A. It’s my anniversary
B. It’s always exciting to think about a new beginning.
Want to know why I don’t believe in making a New Years resolution? Just ask any gym. People sign up at the start of the year just to fizzle out by the end of January. Making lifestyle changes don’t just happen by taking a sip of champagne at midnight.
But trust me, I’m not being judgemental.
I used to be queen of New Years resolutions. I always had 1 resolution that was at the top of my list that I was sure I would accomplish fairly quickly.
Then I beat myself up about not accomplishing a goal until I just forgot about it. Now when I want to make a lifestyle change, I do things a bit differently.
Start With A Small (Smart) Goal
It’s overwhelming to think about goals that I’ve made in the past that I’ve never accomplished. I decided I no longer wanted to feel defeated and decided to change HOW I make my goals. Now I make smaller, smarter goals that I know I can accomplish in a reasonable amount of time.
Once that goal is accomplished, I adjust my goal to a larger one. My goal is not attached to a date on a calendar, and there’s no pressure to adhere to a specific timeline.
Tell Someone To Hold Myself Accountable
I started blogging 2.5 years ago. I never imagined that I would develop friendships with strangers who I met online. I’ve come in contact with some pretty amazing bosses that are making goals and working hard to achieve them.
When I’m feeling creative and excited about something, I love to bounce ideas back and forth to my blogging buddies. After awhile, they will ask me about that idea. It allows me to keep the forward momentum and not just sit that idea on a shelf.
Find someone that will push and encourage you, so that your dreams and ambitions don’t die.
Keep Track of Progress
Keeping track of my progress helps me to document small wins and minimizes frustrations. When I made goals in the past, the perfectionist side of me would come out when I didn’t achieve the goal in the way that I envisioned.
Sometimes we overlook our small wins when the big wins don’t come at the time we desire.
It’s absolutely okay to celebrate baby steps.
What baby steps will you be working on (and celebrating) this year?
I’m working towards eating healthier. Reading more. And working on getting my novel/memoir I’ve been working on done finally
I want to write a book too!!