I have to admit, toddlers do and say some pretty funny stuff, but they also have some annoying habits.
Strangers often look at me when I’m with my kids and say aw, those (referring to toddler years) were my favorite. You look up, and they’re grown. I’d love to share their sentiment, but as they attempt to walk down memory lane with me, my kids are hitting and slapping each other.
Some of their habits are cute and endearing. But some are just plain annoying.
These are my LEAST favorite.
Asking For Something as Soon as You Sit Down
When my mother in law comes over during meal time, one of the first things she does is to tell me to sit down. I’d love to sit and enjoy my meal, but for some reason, as soon as I do, SOMEONE NEEDS SOMETHING.
It’s like they have an alarm that goes off in their heads that says, “When Mommy sits down, I must ask for something.”
Crankiness Before & After a Nap
If you have a three-nager, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. The moments up to a nap are unbearable. They whine if you offer them something.
The whining continues if you take it away. They whine if you ignore them. Or if you ask them a question.
Then you finally get some peace and quiet. They wake up and….the cycle begins again.
Bring Me Half Eaten Snacks & Call it Sharing
I’ve gotten hip to their game. Most of the time when they say, “Here Mommy, you can have it” that means they no longer want it.
Tonight, my five-year-old asked me if I needed help with my dinner. I politely declined and told her I could feed myself. Then she proceeded to nibble on her cracker and feed me the crumbs. Does this ever happen to anyone else?
Gross Habits
This could include a variety of gross things. Putting a snotty tissue back in the tissue box. Spitting up then playing in it. Digging in the dirt and eating it. Picking their nose. Come on, please tell me my toddlers aren’t the only gross ones.
Making a Mess my Makeup
This has happened more than once. I let my guard down, and they got into it. And drew on their faces. Don’t they know how expensive it is?
Not Asking Their Daddy for Something when I am Busy
For some reason, kids think that moms can do it all.
I know, I thought the same thing when I was little.
It’s still annoying when they ask me for things repeatedly, while their dad is sitting in the same room. What is that about?
What annoying habits do your toddlers have? Comment below, then share this post with your friends!
Latasha | Arts & Budgets says
I just became a MOMMY in September and I have to get ready for the toddler age… lol!!
Awesome post. ~~
Diedre says
Congrats Latisha! Enjoy those sweet snuggly moments when they don’t talk back ☺
Mary Barham says
hahaha I LOVE this and you for sharing! Sometimes its hard for parents to actually keep it real with other moms… it is so normal for us to be in love with our kids and yet be annoyed at times! My son is now on REPEAT… “Mom…mom..mom…mom….” “more…more…more..more” haha no matter what I say or do… it is repeated over and over haha Got to say… when it is gone I’ll probably miss it.
Diedre says
Both of mine do the same thing. Sometimes I tell them they are the allowed to call my name. Or that my name isn’t mommy.
Luz T says
My one year old feeds me his crackers. Sometimes he feeds them all to me and then demands that I give them back to him so he can eat. I don’t think he’s quite understood the concept that we can’t return eaten food lol.
Diedre says
That is absolutely hilarious!
Tabitha Shakespeare says
My daughter is currently pulling on my arm while I am trying to work and my husband is sitting watching tv next to me. Gah mom life!
Diedre says
For some reason they always want mom!
Emma | KidsCashandChaos says
Toddlers are the worst! I’m on my third, she just hit 16 months and really started acting like a toddler. I hate when they insist on asking Mom for something when you are obviously busy and Dad is just lazing about. Great post!
Diedre says
Thanks! For some reason this is the worst at dinner time.
Lauren says
Hahaha! The thing that annoys me the most is when she whines and whines for food that she wants, for example, a banana and I KNOW that she is not going to eat it but she whines and insists she will. So of course, I peel the banana and NOPE, she pushes it away. OMG it makes me so mad!
Diedre says
Omg yes!! I know this exact feeling!
Breanna says
Oh this made me laugh SO hard! I identify with ALL
Of these! But whyyyyyyyy must my child ask me for something when I’m busy and dad is TV surfing!
Diedre says
I’m glad you get it Breanna. I often ask myself the same thing…
Naya @ Lactivist in Louboutins says
Yes yes yes to all of this!! I love my kids so much, but these habits make me crazy! I’m so glad I’m not alone.
Diedre says
I promise you aren’t Naya!
Meg says
I have a four-year-old and a two-year-old, and they both do these things. The whining! Ack! I know each stage of parenting has different blessings and struggles, but toddlerhood really pushes the limits some days. 🙂
Diedre says
Yes ma’am. The struggle is real! When they aren’t being cute, they can be annoying.
Jessica says
Yes. Just yes. God made toddlers so cute so moms didn’t lose tbeir minds. Haha
Diedre says
Ha..I totally agree.
Julie McCullough says
Putting a snotty tissue back in the tissue box. – Yes, had that happened to me as well. And it is gross!
Diedre says
Yes! My 3 year old drove me crazy with that.
Sara Brunsvold says
Haha, I love that first picture! That’s an authentic motherhood picture if ever I saw one.
Diedre says
Thanks Sara!! A day in the life of a mom…
Sane Mama says
HAHAHAHA. Totally. The 4 year old picking her nose. When we address it with her, she eats the booger slowly and says “Mmmmm!” Gross.
Diedre says
Ha ha..yuck. I totally get it.
Justine Y @ Little Dove says
Oh my gosh, yes, asking for something as soon as I sit down!! That’s one reason why some days I don’t even eat until after my kids go to bed, I know that’s terrible, but I hate being interrupted every two minutes. I just want to eat my meal in peace!
Diedre says
I get it…you get the fork close to your mouth then then want something. Or they want to eat off your plate…
Jennifer says
Haha! I am laughing at your list because I feel the SAME WAY about my toddlers! LOL! I have two toddlers ages 4 and 18 months and they do all of these things. It annoys me so much when I sit down, especially to eat, and they ask me for a million things. Right now my 18 month old has been really crabby ALL WEEK and he whines about almost everything. I feel ya, girl!
Diedre says
Yes girl..the struggle is real!
Breyona Sharpnack says
My two year old digs up his nose at random times usually when we are in front of people. He also will sneeze in my face or on me without attempting to cover his mouth.
Diedre says
I totally just laughed out loud. Mine have sneeze d or coughed in my face before too. You feel so violated.
Bethany Mitchell says
Ummmm yes to ALL OF THESE. Dying laughing
Diedre says
Glad you enjoyed Bethany!!
Shannon says
Hahahaha! Yes! All of these things!
Elizabeth says
HAHA YES!! This list is 100% my daughter, too!! Especially asking for something when I finally got to sit down. Oh, oh and asking mom instead of dad even if mom is busy. My daughter is 3 right now and her super duper favorite thing is asking me to pick something up that is RIGHT below her.
Diedre says
My daughtersays make messes, lose their toys then ask me to find them. I think our kids think we work for them.