On March 26 ,2018, the Anthony family welcomed Julian Mark Anthony! He was 7lbs 1oz & was born at 8:26 a.m. via c-section. Our little family is officially complete!
Mommy & baby are doing well.
His sisters are over the moon excited! My oldest has a different experience than when we introduced her sister into the picture. I think it helps because she is so much older. I’ll naturally have 2 little helpers! It was a little disappointing that his sisters couldn’t come to the hospital. Due to the huge flu outbreak, the hospital is keeping babies safe, so no one under the age of 18 was allowed past the waiting room. We had to get creative and let the girls see their brother through the parking lot window.
Yesterday was an exciting day because our family of 5 was reunited!
Having a baby in our family is like a holiday. It’s a wonderful occasion that brings both sides together. Our children are so blessed to have grandparents that get along.
Part of me is a little sad that my husband’s father isn’t here to celebrate with us (he passed in 2015 after a long fight with dementia). He would’ve been excited to meet his grandson. We also had several other family members who passed recently who would normally have been visitors at the hospital.
The reality of having 3 kids hasn’t hit me yet, but I’m glad that my mom is here to help out. I was a little nervous about going through the baby stage again, after all it’s been 4 years! But like my mom said, it’s like getting on a bike again. Some things you just don’t forget-like how to love!
Breastfeeding is going well, but I’ve forgotten how much the first week hurts!
I was hoping that my milk would come in naturally on it’s own, but just in case it didn’t, I packed some lactation bars and I’ve been snacking on them at home too.
I’ve been blessed to be able to nurse all 3 of my children. I can’t wait to share some tips on breastfeeding with you.
I know that things will be more chaotic, but strangley, I’m okay with that. Growing up as the oldest of four kids, chaos is what I know, (hated at times growing up), but LOVE when my siblings and I all get together.
I’ve been a girl mom for 6 years, and now I’ll be learning what it means to be a boy mom. One of my goals for Juilan is to not push him into stereotypical gender norms. I’m sure his sisters will help bring out his softer side.
Thank you all for your well wishes & I can’t wait to share more about our family of 5!!
Francesca says
Congratulations! Glad the family is doing well 🙂
Diedre says
Thank you Francesca! So far so good 🙂
Ally says
Yay congratulations. May you all continue to be blessed !
Diedre says
Thank you so much Ally!
ZM (Moonsparkle) says
Congratulations to you all! 🙂
Diedre says
Thank you Zania!